Sometime ago in Singapore.....

Sometime ago, there's this drift lesson held on Changi Exibition area and it was called "D Experience" (sounds fimilliar eh Fatsi?), and the lecturer of the day is Tengku Djan himself.

It was very very hawt that day (yes it's not "hot", but "hawt") and feels like we're on the desert or something.

But as you can see.... It's like an endless playground here.....

While we're waiting for the others, I just took some shots of the cars.....

And I didn't forget to paste my very own designed stickers onto Jason's.....

..... and Winston's car!!!! :D

I never thought that this car was participating on the drift training as well.

This is what it looks like for the starting line..... Pretty far eh?

These tires are ready to be mutilated! LOL!

Winston, Jason, and Alvin's girlfriend was excited to be here (So do I)! :D

As I recall this pink GTR belongs to Irene Lim, am I right? But I didn't see you Irene back then, where are you?

Before we can start our training course, Djan held a briefing or I should called it a "drift lesson class". In here, Djan explained all the drifting techniques from the very basics....

We can see that who's not serious on listening to the lecturer..... (-.-')

But I'm very grateful that the lesson was thought again from the very basics so I can see what I've missed on my own drift techniques so far..... (oh and the lecturer himself is a legend)

Then after that, Alvin and Jason started to drift their cars and test out their drift lines.

Pretty far eh....??

Then it was followed by "Takumi" and the Falken Sileighty.

My first panning shot of the day, it was Alvin's S15 who got the chance to be shot at. :D

Here's the famous Vincent who drift his RWD converted WRX..

Look at it..... It's like any moments this beast will strike!!

I was right.... LOL!

Like Fatsi said in his previous photo on facebook, "Don't just see.. But hear the music to my ears..".

Just before the rain, I saw this car that's like an R34.... It was still an RPS13. LOL

This Z33 looks happy even in the rain....

Winston and......

.... Jason were the best drifters that scores highest points on that day. Congrats guys! :D

After the rain, I took my chance to see the drift from inside Alvin's car.....

Even Djan looks happy here.... :D

After all the exhausting day, it was all worth the lesson that we got from a legend like Tengku Djan..... Thank you Tengku Djan! :D


  1. Great great great coverage Marino. Hey why not add link to my YouTube channel so all can see the fantastic videos u took!!! really love your video man ...gonna miss u next three days at the F1 pit Mettle games. Come back by 13th to catch us again at changi with D1 champ Ryuji Miki and Ivan Lim

  2. we are.. missing events like you guys are having, There is NO any grassroot events like in Singapore or Malaysia, every of sponsors and event organizers are focused on those professional drifters and preparing their team for the Next Round of Formula Drift Asia, we expect that pro drifters such Djan Ley or Sak Nana Kiki to provide us some of their techniques. anyway nice shot bro, an empty field, cones and brand new tires always a great deal lol

  3. So... lets bring back Dex back to life then..
    keren editan lo skrg yah.. cuman warnanya belang2 dalam 1 post..

  4. @ winston
    Thx a lot man! Yeah I really2 want to see what will happen on the F1 pit!

    @ smokebusters
    Thx yaaaa!! :D

    @ Fatsi
    Thx banget fat! hehee, kan klo soal foto gw belajar nya dr foto2 loe fat. hehee.... Bring back Dex to life? Ayuuuuk :D Tp DriftSoul gimana tuch kabar? :D

  5. nice... :)

    agree with fatsi, warna masi agak belang2, tapi udah ok kok komposisinya dan editannya imho. keep up the good work

  6. keren...keren...keren...keren!!!!!

    setuju gw rin sama fatsi, agak belang2 dalam satu post. ada baiknya dalam satu post, warna nya itu satu tema rin hehe... just my opinion loh. :D
    see how RAW works? RAWrrrr hahahahaha

  7. ehmm.. dari dulu gw punya sebuah ide yang kayanya almost impossible di Indonesia.. coba ya bisa ngumpulin penulis2 automotive photo essay macem rino, fatsi, rajasa dkk digabungkan dalam sebuah blog semacam speedhunters.. apakah mungkin? :p


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