When I say something's bad, IT IS BAD! I was on Bandung at 17 of August 2010, and I was happen to see this old lancer sit tight at on parking spot on ITB campus. It's not in a very good condition though.

Is not abandoned though, but still looks like a walking rust disease....

As you can see based on the paint job the owner is not an expert (or rather don't care) about maintaining the car's condition....

Rusts and you can peel it with your own finger..... It's everywhere!

The one that keeps this retro Lancer looks retro is this "Lancer" emblem that still original from the factory.

Okay.... you can see that this car got a lot of potentials in.... I dunno, in performance? visual? Well, the point is that this car needs to be restored to its original shape..


  1. Nice shot and editing, it fits with the bad old lancer theme hahaha....
    Kalo tu lancer bs bicara pasti sedih tu critanya no....


  2. no comment...
    banyak cerita pasti dibalik mobil ini.
    btw lo ngeshot BW nya dari kamera apa lo edit?

  3. @dimas

    itu BW dr kamera nya gan, gw set gitu. hehe :D

  4. ini lancer apaan ya? belom pernah lihat?


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